I wanted this to be a moment for the attendees to reconsider what is important and inspire an inner dialogue that would reverberate even after the conference ended.There were technological and time restraints as well. Keeping in mind the frequency requirements of the HSS, I limited my audio material to the human voice. During my experiments pre-conference I tested a variety of sounds. Uncertain of accessibility, I had no idea how long I would have with my targets so I thought about sounds that would translate if heard only for a few seconds. There were many variables to account for. I had to plan around the possibility of only having about ten-seconds with people. I tried to think of how snippets of constrained audio could create space while communicating context. I wanted the idea of the work and the sound to take root both with people who experienced the intervention first hand and those who heard about it second hand or through documentation. Since memes function in a contagious way I thought about using a meme for the audio material. I thought about how confusion and excitement around the project itself seemed contagious and unwieldy and how I could leverage it. More than anything I wanted the sounds to create an opening and ultimately be heard.

meetings go late into the night ...
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